Primul masterclass de arhitectura peisagistica din Romania


Primul masterclass de arhitectura peisagistica in Romania

In cadrul Expo Conferintei LAUD Bucuresti 2015 din 24 Iunie a avut loc primul masterclass de arhitectura peisagistica din Romania. Acesta a fost sustinut de renumitul arhitect prof. Emeritus Peter Latz, ce a vorbit despre revitalizarea peisajului post-industrial si modificarea viziunii arhitecturale asupra zonelor cu o mostenire industriala puternica Peste 50 de arhitecti au asistat la o prelegere interactiva, moderata de domnul arhitect Radu Petre Nastase, managerul Institutului National al Patrimoniului.

Masterclassul arhitectului Peter Latz a fost organizat de Asociatia Pro event in colaborare cu Institutul National al Patrimoniului.

The first landscape architecture in Romania

The first masterclass on Landscape Architecture has taken place during the LAUD 2015 Expo Conference on June 24th in Bucharest. Arch. Prof. Emeritus Peter Latz held an hour long lecture about post-industrial landscapes and the industrial heritage. Over 50 architects were in the audience,  listening and debating the new vision over industrial architecture, alongside arch. Radu Petre Nastase, the manager of the National Institute of Heritage and moderator of the lecture.


The Masterclass was organized by the Pro event Association with support from the National Institute of Heritage.